마태 5:17~20 / 찬 201
내가 율법이나 선지자를 폐하러 온 줄로 생각하지 말라.
폐하러 온 것이 아니요, 완전하게 하려 함이라.
진실로 너희에게 이르노니
천지가 없어지기 전에는 율법의 일점일획도 결코 없어지지 아니하고 다 이루리라.
그러므로 누구든지 이 계명 중의 지극히 작은 것 하나라도 버리고, 또 그같이 사람을 가르치는 자는
천국에서 지극히 작다 일컬음을 받을 것이요,
누구든지 이를 행하며 가르치는 자는 천국에서 크다 일컬음을 받으리라.
내가 너희에게 이르노니, 너희 의가 서기관과 바리새인보다 더 낫지 못하면,
결단코 천국에 들어가지 못하리라.
THUMBS UP | |||||
The entirety of Your Word is truth. -Psalm 119:160 | |||||
Pandora is one of the musical marvels of the Internet age. It helps you create your own personal radio station by allowing you to “customize” your music. It plays a song and you then click a thumbs up or thumbs down sign to indicate whether or not you like it. You end up with a grouping of only songs that you like. Unfortunately, sometimes we do that with the Bible too. People may choose some Scripture passages they especially like and ignore others, and so they “customize” it to their preferences. The psalmist looked at God’s Word this way: “The entirety of Your Word is truth” (Ps. 119:160). And the apostle Paul told Timothy, a young pastor, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable” (2 Tim. 3:16). The Scriptures were important to Jesus (Matt. 5:17-18), but He looked at them differently than the religious leaders of His day. To Him, “You shall not murder” was on the level of being “angry with [a] brother without a cause” (vv.21-22). Far from customizing Scripture, He was concerned about the motivation of people’s hearts in applying all of it. As we embrace God’s Word more fully, we’ll know Him more deeply and desire to honor Him. -Marvin Williams | |||||
Lord, I don’t want to treat Your Word lightly or to dismiss what seems too difficult. Show me my heart and help me to obey from the heart whatever You tell me. In Jesus’ name, amen. | |||||
When you open your Bible,
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