에녹의 믿음은 항상 명백하게 드러났음
“아담의 칠세 손 에녹이 사람들에게 대하여도 예언하여 이르되
보라 주께서 그 수만의 거룩한 자와 함께 임하셨나니” (유 14)
에녹은 하나님을 위해 활동적으로 일한 사람이었다.
그는 안락과 편안을 찾지 않았다.
그는 그의 시간을, 한가하게 명상하거나 자신의 행복을 얻고자 노력하는데 쓰지도 않았다.
그는 쾌락을 사랑하는 홍수 이전 세계 사람들의 관심을 끊임없이 끌던 축제와 오락에 참여지 않았다.
그가 살던 시대에 많은 사람들의 마음은 세상적 쾌락들,
탈선하도록 그들을 유혹 하는 쾌락들에 온통 빠져 있었다.
그러나 에녹은 대단히 진지했다.
그는 세속적인 사람처럼 한가하게 거리를 배회하거나 오락의 장소 근처에 오래 머무르지 않았다.
그는 타락한 사람들과 결코 평범한 대화를 나누지 않았다.
그는 그들이 악한 길로부터 돌이켜서 회개하고 하나님을 찾으라고 경고하는 기별자로 설 때를 제외하고는
죄악된 사람들과 죄악의 일꾼들과 섞이지 않았다.
.... 에녹은 재림교인이었다.
.... 에녹은 재림교인이었다.
그는 백성들의 마음을,
그리스도께서 각인의 일을 심판하시러 두 번째 오실 때인 하나님의 큰 날을 바라보도록 인도했다.…
에녹처럼 우리는 하나님과 동행하면서 우리의 의지를 그분의 의지에 굴복시켜야 한다.
에녹처럼 우리는 하나님과 동행하면서 우리의 의지를 그분의 의지에 굴복시켜야 한다.
우리는 예수께서 인도하시는 곳으로 기꺼이 가고, 그분을 위해서 기꺼이 고난을 받아야 한다.
그리스도께서 목숨을 버리신 영혼들을 구원하기 위해 노력하고 난관들을 정복하고
그리스도께서 목숨을 버리신 영혼들을 구원하기 위해 노력하고 난관들을 정복하고
그리고 세상으로부터 자신을 흠 없이 지키는 일을 통해서 우리는 우리의 신앙이 진실되다는 것을 드러낸다.
신실한 그리스도인들은 가장 편안한 자리,가장 가벼운 짐을 찾지 않는다.
신실한 그리스도인들은 가장 편안한 자리,가장 가벼운 짐을 찾지 않는다.
그들은 가장 일하기 어려운 곳, 그들의 도움을 가장 필요로 하는 곳에 있을 것이다.
- 승리하시는 그리스도, 48.
Enoch’s Faith Was Always Evident
And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all.
Enoch was an active worker for God. He did not seek ease and comfort. Nor did he spend his time in idle meditation or in striving to gain happiness for himself.
He did not participate in the festivities and amusements constantly engaging the attention of the pleasure lovers of the antediluvian world. In his day the minds of many were absorbed in worldly pleasures—pleasures that tempted them to go astray.
But Enoch was terribly in earnest. He did not idly saunter along the streets or linger near places of amusement as if he were an indifferent worldling. He never engaged in common conversation with those who were corrupt, as if he were one of them.
- 승리하시는 그리스도, 48.
Enoch’s Faith Was Always Evident
And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all.
Enoch was an active worker for God. He did not seek ease and comfort. Nor did he spend his time in idle meditation or in striving to gain happiness for himself.
He did not participate in the festivities and amusements constantly engaging the attention of the pleasure lovers of the antediluvian world. In his day the minds of many were absorbed in worldly pleasures—pleasures that tempted them to go astray.
But Enoch was terribly in earnest. He did not idly saunter along the streets or linger near places of amusement as if he were an indifferent worldling. He never engaged in common conversation with those who were corrupt, as if he were one of them.
With the sinful and with the workers of iniquity he mingled only as God’s messenger, to warn them to turn with abhorrence from their evil ways and to repent and seek God.
...... Enoch was an Adventist. He carried the minds of people forward to the great day of God, when Christ will come the second time, to judge everyone’s work....
Like Enoch, we must walk with God, bringing the will into submission to His will. We must be willing to go where Jesus leads, willing to suffer for His dear sake.
In seeking to save the souls for whom Christ has died, in conquering difficulties, and in keeping ourselves unspotted from the world, we reveal the genuineness of our religion.
Faithful Christians do not seek the easiest place, the lightest burdens. They are found where the work is hardest, where their help is most needed.
— Christ Triumphant, 48.
...... Enoch was an Adventist. He carried the minds of people forward to the great day of God, when Christ will come the second time, to judge everyone’s work....
Like Enoch, we must walk with God, bringing the will into submission to His will. We must be willing to go where Jesus leads, willing to suffer for His dear sake.
In seeking to save the souls for whom Christ has died, in conquering difficulties, and in keeping ourselves unspotted from the world, we reveal the genuineness of our religion.
Faithful Christians do not seek the easiest place, the lightest burdens. They are found where the work is hardest, where their help is most needed.
— Christ Triumphant, 48.
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