+ 박정환목사님

성령의 역사

colorprom 2017. 11. 8. 13:15

성령 역사

어떤 사람들은 마음이 너무 오랫동안 타락해 있었기 때문에 

 세상 생애에서  나은 환경에 결코 처할  없을 것처럼 보일 것이다.

그러나  태양 밝은 광선은  영혼에게도 비추어질  있다

하나님 생명으로 평가되는 생명 소유하는 것이 그들 특권이다.

그들 마음 속에 숭고하고 고상한 사상을 심어 주라

그대 생활로써 부도덕과 순결흑암과  차이점을 그들에게 설명해 주라

그대 모본을 통하여 그리스도인이 되는 것이 무엇을 미하는 것인지를 그들에게 알려 주라

그리스도께서는 가장  많은 사람들을 구원하여그들을 하나님 자녀로 인정받을  있는 곳에 두시며

그들을 그리스도와 함께 불멸 유업(遺業) 상속받는 자들이 되게 하실 것이다.

하나님 은혜 이적을 통하여 많은 사람들이 유용한 생활에 적합해질  있다

그들은 멸시당하고 버림받은 나머지 완전히 낙심상태에 빠져 있다

그들은 냉랭하고 완고한 것처럼 보인다.

그러나 그들 구원을 참으로 절망적인 것처럼 보이게 하는 어리석음은 

성령 역사 아래 사라져 버릴 것이다

우둔하고 흐려 있던 정신은 각성될 것이다

 사슬은 끊어질 것이다

부도덕은 사라지고무지는 극복될 것이다

사랑으로 역사하는 믿음을 통하여마음은 순결해지고정신은 계발될 것이다.

치료봉사, 169.


The Ministration of the Holy Spirit

Some will be found whose minds have been so long debased that they will never in this life become what under more favorable circumstances they might have been.

But the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness may shine into the soul. It is their privilege to have the life that measures with the life of God.

Plant in their minds uplifting, ennobling thoughts. Let your life make plain to them the difference between vice and purity, darkness and light. In your example let them read what it means to be a Christian. 

Christ is able to uplift the most sinful and place them where they will be acknowledged as children of God, joint heirs with Christ to the immortal inheritance.

By the miracle of divine grace, many may be fitted for lives of usefulness. Despised and forsaken, they have become utterly discouraged; they may appear stoical and stolid.

But under the ministration of the Holy Spirit, the stupidity that makes their uplifting appear so hopeless will pass away. The dull, clouded mind will awake. The slave of sin will be set free. Vice will disappear, and ignorance will be overcome. Through the faith that works by love, the heart will be purified and the mind enlightened.

- Ministry of Healing, 169.