+ 박정환목사님

주님의 능력을 붙잡으라

colorprom 2017. 1. 16. 13:16

주님 능력을 붙잡으라

그대들에게 어떤 뚜렷한 느낌이 있든 없든 간에 

계속해서  예수님을 바라보며믿음으로 조용한 기도를 올리고 주님 능력을 붙잡으라

마치 모든 기도가 하나님 보좌에 상달되고 

결코 실패함이 없으신 약속 주님께로부터  응답을 받는 것처럼 즉각 전진하라

비록 어떤 무거운 감정과 슬픔에 억압된 순간이라도 

그대 마음 가운데 하나님을 향하여 운율 (韻律 맞추어 노래하며 행진하라. 

분명히 빛이 이르게 되고 기쁨을  맛보게 되며 안개와 구름이 깨끗이 거두어질 때가   것을 

 알고 있는 사람으로서 나는 이것을 말하고 있다

그리고 우리들은 암영 (暗影 흑암 압도적인  세력에서 벗어나 

주님 임재에 따르는 밝은 태양 광선을  쪼이게  것이다.

만약 우리들이 자신 신앙에 대하여 더욱 많은 표현들을  한다면 

우리들이 분명히 누리고 있는 축복들  하나님 크신 자비관용  사랑 가운데서 더욱 기뻐하게  되며 

우리들은 매일 더욱  능력을 얻게  것이다.

가려뽑은 기별 2, 242-3.


Take Hold of His Strength

Keep looking unto Jesus, offering up silent prayers in faith, taking hold of His strength, whether you have any manifest feeling or not. 

Go right forward as if every prayer offered was lodged in the throne of God and responded to by the one whose promises never fail. 

Go right along, singing and making melody to God in your hearts, even when depressed by a sense of weight and sadness. 

I tell you as one who knows, light will come, joy will be ours, and the mists and clouds will be rolled back. And we pass from the oppressive power of the shadow and darkness into the clear sunshine of His presence.

 If we would give more expression to our faith, rejoice more in the blessings that we know we have—the great mercy, forbearance, and love of God—we would daily have greater strength.

- Selected Messages 2, 242-3.