+ 박정환목사님

사랑은 양보를 함

colorprom 2017. 11. 13. 13:00

사랑은 양보를 함

그리스도의 사랑 

깊고 열렬하며가로막을  없는 시냇물처럼 

것을 받아들이는 모든 사람들에게로 흘러간다.  

그분의 사랑 가운데는 이기심이 조금도 없다

만일 하늘에서   사랑 심령 가운데 거하는 원칙이 된다면

그것은 우리가 거룩한 관계에서 가장 귀중하게 생각하는 사람들에게뿐 아니라 

우리가 접촉하는 모든 사람들에게도 드러날 것이다

그것으로 인해 우리는 작은 배려의  행위를 하고양보를 하고친절한 행위를 하고

부드럽고진실되고격려가 되는 말을 하게  것이다

그것으로 우리는 동정에 굶주린 사람들에게 동정을 베풀게   것이다.

아무리 외양적 예절을  지킬지라도그것만으로는 모든  불평과 비평과 합당치 않은 말을 억제시킬  없다 자기를 최고의 목적으로 생각하고 있는 참된 예의는  결코 나타나지 않는다

사랑 마음속에 있어야 한다.  

철저한 그리스도인은 주님께 대한 마음  깊은 사랑 우러나와 모든 행동을 한다

그러므로 그리스도에  그의 애정의 깊은 뿌리로부터 동포에 대한 이기심  관심 솟아나게 된다

사랑  소유자에게 우아함과 예절과 단정한 품행을 심어 준다

사랑 얼굴을 밝게 해주며음성을 부드럽게 하며그의  인격을 향상시키며 고상하게 해준다.

-그리스도인의 마음과 품성과 인격 1, 208.


Love Makes Concessions

Christ’s love is deep and earnest, flowing like an irrepressible stream to all who will accept it. There is no selfishness in His love. 

If this heaven-born love is an abiding principle in the heart, it will make itself known, not only to those we hold most dear in sacred relationship but to all with whom we come in contact. 

It will lead us to bestow little acts of attention, to make concessions, to perform deeds of kindness, to speak tender, true, encouraging words. It will lead us to sympathize with those whose hearts hunger for sympathy.

The most careful attention to the outward proprieties of life is not sufficient to shut out all fretfulness, harsh judgment, and unbecoming speech. True refinement will never be revealed so long as self is considered as the supreme object. 

Love must dwell in the heart. A thoroughgoing Christian draws his motives of action from his deep heart-love for his Master. Up through the roots of his affection for Christ springs an unselfish interest in his brethren. 

Love imparts to its possessor grace, propriety, and comeliness of deportment. It illuminates the countenance and subdues the voice; it refines and elevates the entire being.

 - Mind, Character, and Personality, Volume 1, 208.